Episode 15 – Navigating the Impact of Sexual Abuse on Relationships: Part 2 with guests, Dale Ingraham and Anthony Viscuse.
The episode delves into the ways trauma surfaces in everyday challenges, how both partners can support each other through understanding and empathy, and the importance of a husband’s role in the healing journey of a survivor. They also touch on the biblical perspective of mutual respect and love in marriage, emphasizing the need for kindness, compassion, and servant leadership as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. Together, they explore how addressing these issues within the church can lead to greater healing and support for abuse survivors.
Part 2 of 3
Episode 14:
Impact of Abuse on Relationships from Husbands’ Perspective
Guests Dale Ingraham & Anthony Viscuse join us to give insight on how they see the marriage and family relationship impacted by abuse.
Part 1 of 3
Episode 13:
How Childhood Abuse Impacts our Relationships. Abuse impacts every part of our lives and has a profound impact on how we relate to those around us especially those who are closest to us.
Episode 12:
In this episode, we discuss the spiritual impact of abuse. How does abuse change your view of God?
All of this and more
Episode 11:
In this episode, we discuss the lasting impacts of abuse.
-Trust issues? Yes.
-Chronic Pain? Yes.
All of this and more
Episode 10:
In this episode, we discuss how to identify and manage triggers. How do we know we are being triggered? What happens when we are triggered, and what can we do about it.
Episode 9:
Practical self-care tips
In this episode, we discuss different “practical self-care tips.” What does it look like to find your voice and set boundaries? What does self-care look like for you?
Episode 8: Finding Your Path & Support.
In this episode, we discuss how to find your path to healing. Our stories are not the same, and our paths to healing will be different, too.
Episode 7: Six Stages of Grooming
In this episode, we discuss the six stages of grooming from the Darkness to Light website. Understanding how grooming works can help us prevent abuse and heal from it.
Episode 6: Grooming Part 1
In this episode we describe how an offender uses grooming to gain trust from gatekeepers and victims. An offender is skillful in manipulating those around them.
Episode 5: Family Dynamics
In this episode we discuss how every family is different and how often times there are multiple victims within the same family and how some members of the family don’t recognize that others are being victimized or abused.
Episode 4: Finding Your Circle of Support
Sometimes you need to find friends who will help you along your road to healing. You need to learn to set boundaries with toxic relationships and build encouraging and supportive relationships.
Episode 3: Sharing Your Story:
Sharing your story is the first step to healing. There are many ways to share your story. Find your safe space.
Episode 2: Sharing our story
Faith & Michelle share their stories with listeners. Learn how their stories are similar yet totally different. Learn how telling their stories was part of their healing.
Episode 1: Finding Hope Together
What is Conversations of Hope?
What are the goals of this new podcast series? Join Faith and Michelle as they discuss the difficult issues surrounding abuse. Stay tuned as they have guests share insight and wisdom.